Resting prior to a long drive ensures that your senses are well rested in order for them to perform optimally and sharpen your reaction times while driving. Preparing for a long distance haul can be pivotal in not getting tired which is why you should get enough rest and sleep prior to embarking on your journey. So what should you do when you have a long-haul assignment and you know that somewhere along the way you will, inevitably, get tired? Below we take a look at 7 natural ways to stay awake longer on the road… 1. But research has shown that these quick fixes not only pose a health risk, but they also leave you more tired than before once effects have worn off. And, sure enough, when they walk into their favorite truck shop there are all kinds of sugary and energy products promising to provide the ideal way to stay awake while driving. When truckers are struggling to stay awake on the road, their first instinct is to pull over and grab something to help them ward off fatigue. nothing visually stimulating to keep your attention and the constant din from the tires, are what contribute to road fatigue, which eventually leads to drooping eyelids. These two potentially lethal combinations i.e. In addition, most of the scenery on these routes are the same, especially since I frequently drive on the same route – basically seeing all there is to see. I start to notice your tires making that humming sound against the road, which does little to add to whatever I’m listening to on the radio.

#All natural ways to stay awake on a long drive driver
I know alot of driver that find some kind of meditative peace during long hauls, but for me they’re are often boring after about the first 15 or 20 miles.